I have a wee confession to make. And, I am just going to jump right into it. I keep signing up for
Tracey Clark's awesome Picture series classes on
Big Picture but haven't been following through on taking the photos.
It started with
Picture Summer last year. Which was followed by
Picture Fall,
Picture Holidays,
Picture Winter, and
Picture Inspiration. (
note, these links lead you to my Flickr set for each class, the link in Tracey's name above will lead you to a page where you can find links to the courses, just scroll down below her bio) The first four that started the series for me were 30 day e-courses and the latter is an on going year long program. I did the best with Picture Summer, taking 27 of the 30 class images. Then Picture Fall was a close second with 22 of the 30. Then, things started to go down hill. I only took 11 for Picture Winter, 10 for Picture Holidays, and of the 22 weeks in Picture Inspiration, I have taken a whooping 3. Ugh.
Would you believe that I still have every intention of going back and taking the assigned photos? I do... really, really. I have each and every email prompt from Tracey saved in specially labeled folders in my inbox. I so look forward to the mornings when a prompt will be there for me to read with an image to inspire. One of these days, I am going to say... "I am so bored, there is nothing to do" (just like my kids say it) and then I will say... "wait, I need some Picture Inspiration photos!" I am kind of sad that I will miss out on aspects of the wonderful community that goes along with these great e-courses, but hey, maybe there are others like me in the group and we will have a little subculture of slightly behind the times guys and gals. Yes?
But, I digress, this confession is about continuing to sign up for courses in the series... knowing full well I am behind in the one I am currently in and that I have zero hours in the day for doing another one. But... seriously, how could I resist it... people... it is
PICTURE COLOR!! They had me at the "C", let alone the "olor". Of course I signed up the day I got the email about it. Of course this will be the course where I take every shot every day despite having a million things on the plate. Of course, of course, of course... why? Because there is nothing I love more in my little artsy world than COLOR.
Get ready readers... it is going to be a colorful ride! I am tempted to take these next 30 days, while I have so much going on and so little time, to turn this blog into a wordless-photo-blog. You know, just one image every day (from the color prompts), to keep you entertained while I meet all my commitments. Are you up for that? It sounds good to me.
Let's get started!
*sigh* I feel so much better getting that off my chest.
(ps... yarn bowl is by
redhotpottery on etsy!)
(pps... if you are going to registar an acct with Big Picture Classes, my refer-a-friend code is: 59BCADED or use this link: http://www.bigpictureclasses.com/register.php?refer=59BCADED)