Last night, while up late watching Grey's Anatomy & Private Practice, I finished knitting my "Chocolate" sweater... and I was able to block it right next to my warm wood burning oven so it was ready for wearing this morning. Now, excuse the rushed photos and wet hair (wait you can't even see my hair). I am trying to get things done this morning and I am vowing to myself that I am not going to get sucked into the web for hours today. So, rushed things are.
For those that like knitting details...
The Pattern: Free On Ravelry - Francis Revisited (click free download link on the left)
The Yarn: Swish Bulky from Knit Picks (on sale! yoohoo!) used 5 skeins in the color Merlot Heather
The Needles: size 10.5
Mods: I left off the cowl. While trying on, I noticed the boat neck is kinda wide and I didn't want the cowl that far out on my shoulders. Plus I figured it was easy enough to add the cowl later if I want. I have one more skein of the yarn if I decide to add it. I also cast on stitches under each arm when I put the sleeve stitches on scrap yarn. Oh, and it was too short so I had to rip back the bottom, add 4 inches, and then do the seed stitch band.

love the last photo!
Kerry, that sweater is one of my favorite things that you have made! The color is AWESOME, and I love the style. Good for you! Hope you get a lot done today! I was on the edge of my seat last night with Grey's and Private Practice is tearing my heart out this season so far...love Thursday night TV! :)
Hi Kerry! Love that sweater! Man, if I only had HALF of your talent, I swear.
And don't you look like a skinny minny in these pics!
LOL... it was just a good angle Lori, I ain't that skinny.
Thanks for the compliments everyone!!
i dunno kerry...you look like you have lost some weight! If not, then you sold me on Swish, cause it's a very flattering yarn on you. :)
love the sweater kerry...also love the chocolate swish color on you...nice mods as well...
I agree with Lorelei you are looking very slim, that running must be paying off. Maybe I should love chocolate even more too.
I agree, you look awesome in these piks! and can I have..I mean borrow that sweater? LOL
Knitting while watching tv always makes me feel less guilty about time spent in front of the tube. The chocolate is a great color on you.
sister... I bought this yarn to knit a sweater for you and you totally dissed me not only on the sweater pattern I picked, but the yarn color too. No, you can't have/borrow it.
thanks so much for the wonderful compliments everyone!! y'all are to sweet to me.
I do not recall this incident, but perhaps I did not like the pattern because of the cowl you did not include, as for the color you know well that computers do funky things.
Very nice. Love this yarn, and the colors look great on you.
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