Friday, January 15, 2010

Channeling Aliens

I think that if you were me and you had watched a few too many late night episodes of Season 2 of the X-Files with your hubby, had weird dreams about your sister being preggers in an Amish farmhouse, and were listening to "The Host" (a book about alien beings invading earth and using humans as "hosts" for their alien souls) on cd in the studio while making beads, you would make crazy Mod Dot/Plaid "Hybrid" beads too. And you would love them as much as I do.

Snatch one up for your own out of this world creations... HERE!


mairedodd said...

pics look fine to me! these are really great!

TesoriTrovati said...

invasion of the bead snatchers!
you are killing me kerry! lol
i love love love these...but i must use up the ones i snatched in december before i buy up any more but i am itching for that first one...such great potential!
isn't it awesome when we are inspired what we can create?
love it.
thanks for sharing your inspiration. but i am sitting on my credit card today (bummed out)
enjoy the day!

rosebud101 said...

Those are really fun and funky beads, Kerry! The inspiration is fun, too.

Cindy said...

Kerry, these are sooooo cool. And what interesting thoughts behind them... my favorite is No. 4.

Kristen said...

Those are awesome Kerry! I used to love the X-Files! My dad and I would stay up late and watch the marathons! Gorgeous beads!

Kella said...

Just found your blog via the Bead soup party links, gotta say I love these beads and your studio is fab.

Jen Judd said...

Hilarious! Love the fun!