Friday, January 22, 2010

happy dreams darkly bright

darkly bright bracelet 1
I have been experimenting again.(imagine me ringing my hands together and laughing like a mad man when you read that last line) My Wordless Wednesday post showed a little sneak peek photo of this new resin bottle cap design. Did you see it? LOL, not likely. It seems my resin has turned and gone all cloudy and yellow. Oh well, it was old. I had hoped that it would clear when it hardened, but alas, it is still a wee bit cloudy. Unlike this photo huh? LOL. We had a rare afternoon of sun yesterday that was begging to be photographed.

I am kinda excited about these new bottle caps. You might remember these caps using up lots of wirey scraps and made into pendants. I have been thinking for a while now that I wanted to find a way to set some of my mixed media paintings into small bezels, set with resin, and made into cool components. As I was making these though, I couldn't quite get the look I was going for with the tiny paintings/drawings, so I let my mind wander and pulled out that tattered copy of Shakespeare sonnets I have been using for my latest series of paintings. I opened to a page and picked a word. Suddenly, all sorts of words were jumping out at me.

There are many times when I see "inspirational" things with words or phrases and I wonder what *I* would say given the opportunity. Most of the time I can't think of a thing that hasn't already been said. The other day was different. The sentiments just seemed to roll out. I love this phrase that jumped out to me "happy dreams darkly bright". It isn't anything Shakespeare said, these were words from different sentences on different pages. I like that... I really like that.

The other phrases that are in the few caps I made are "loved clearly", "dream that it may be", "treasure beauty in love", and "nimble tears for sweet ". Yeah, for some reason, "love" comes up a lot in a book of sonnets... go figure. LOL.

Anyway, fresh resin is on its way to my studio. I plan to make more of these (I gotta lotta caps in my studio!) I would love to hear your thoughts though. Should I be making these into funky mixed media jewelry pieces for y'all or do you want the components to play with yourselves in your own jewelry designs? If I make them for you to use, do ya like one loop to connect to (like a pendant) or two (like in this bracelet)? An inquiring mind wants to know.

darkly bright 2


mairedodd said...

these are great! i too have fallen under the spell of resin and words... it allows for such a great expression of thought... as for what you should do with them? all of the above... everyone is different and will want to incorporate in different ways...

Eileen said...

hey kerry...
i'm loving the caps...i've been creating alot with the caps as well...i haven't listed any in my shop but i have some in a local boutique...thinking about putting them in my shop though...

i love your designs as always...

Anonymous said...

i didn't get to tell you yesterday--i loved the way this sparkled in the sun and hung on your wrist. aren't there always things we don't get to discuss? :)

Kerry said...

Thanks everyone!!

I see your resin and words Mary Jane and I love them. One of these days I will see a piece I have too have!!

Eileen, share those caps!

Yes L2, as much as we talk, lol, we always end up forgetting something!! I hope L4 is feeling okay today. Poor thing.

Cindy said...

Your new bracelet is like opening a new chapter for you! It's amazing how different it looks in the two pictures. I almost thougth it was an entirely different braclet!

Kathy said...

Kerry, Your new bracelet rocks!!!!
I love the new design and whatever way you decide to go will be fine. I think it would be great if you had the two holes for making bracelets.

Leslie @ Bei Mondi said...

You bring so much color and sunshine to all your pieces. Gorgeous!