Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for your emails of concern. My heart went on hiatus for a bit. And, I have to be true to myself. If I'm not feeling it, I'm not writing. I'm not sure it is ready to return yet either, but there are a few things going on that I want/need to share. Here it is... in my typical random style.
:: Last week I was a guest poster at Love My Art Jewelry. Hop over and check it out! And I invite you to take on the photo challenge I presented there... come on! I could use the doses of color.
:: I was paired with the awesome Barbara Bechtel for the 5th go around of the Bead Soup Blog Party. I'm excited about that. We have some things up our sleeves to make the exchange a bit more interesting. It'll be a challenge in more ways than one. You'll wanna stay tuned for that.
:: Speaking of the BSBP, SURPRISE!! I'm one of the contributors in Lori Anderson's book devoted to the exchange. I'm honored to be a part of it. Thank you , Lori! Click the link to see the cover art and a full list of contributors. It is a grand group of people. Look for it on newsstands Fall 2012.
:: I'm up to my eyeballs in preparations for the Bead Cruise! I have already made over 150 beads in the last 24 hours and that is just for ONE of the kits! I decided to make Light Steel Grey, Turquoise, Sunburst Coral, Transparent Ink, Clockwork Orange, and Ivory the color combination for the one of a kind, just for the cruisers, Bang Gals kit. I'll share pictures when the beads are done soaking and ready to make their debut.
:: When I get home from the Bead Cruise, I have something to share. I've kept it under wraps for a couple of months now. (NO, I am NOT preggers... don't you dare suggest such a thing!) I really really think you are going to like it.
Now, don't worry, I'm sure I will post loads more times between now and the Bead Cruise. I just thought I'd leave the last one there as a tease. If you are ever concerned again that I might have fallen off the face of the earth, I tweet... a lot (or rather at least a few times a day). So, you can follow me on Twitter (I'm @kabsconcepts) and see that I haven't been in a car accident, or that I haven't run away to Alaska in search of snow that lasts for more than 5 freaking minutes. Insert eyes rolling here... about the total lack of snow, not the Twitter thing.
ps... Monday I was feeling sad and bought myself flowers to cheer up the studio.
Aren't they a lovely shade of fuchsia-ish pinky red?