I did it... IT IS DONE!! This is the box of finished jewelry for my book. YOO HOOO!! There are more then 20 pieces of jewelry in there! Some people might write a book and only show you one picture of one finished design... but not me. I did a couple of each and some with totally different bead options. I have put so much energy into this box. *sigh*
To celebrate, Ron and the kids took me out to dinner. With three kids, dinner out in a resturant isn't something we do. There is always fighting over who sits where or whinning over what there is or isn't to eat. Not last night though. We had a lot of fun. The kids asked me lots of questions... an interview of sorts about the book. "so Mom, how long did it take you to write the book?" "Mom, are you gonna be famous now?" "did they give you a lotta money?" LOL.
Once home last night, I felt a huge sense of relief. From the beginning I knew I could do it. I knew I could write the book, but at the same time... I am hard on myself and I had a lot of doubt too. But I look through all the photos I took of the finished things and I open the files of text and I am so excited. I can't wait to share it all with you!!
The work isn't done yet. There is still a lot more to do. There is editing that needs happening, and a photo shoot in May. I worked on a "shot list" on Monday (which is a list of each and every photo I want taken for the book) and we'll be taking about 262 pictures. And I need to get ready for all those photos. Kinda reverse engineering the jewelry and breaking it down into the steps that need shooting. Cool huh?
I have a little time in between though. And I have some new jewelry I will be working on for spring!! YOO HOO!! I have some fun ideas up my sleeves and I am itching to work on something I can actually show you, lol. I already started too. I have whipped up a couple fun and simple pendants with loose beads on my desk. I'll share 'em soon.
Congrats Kerry! You must feel a bit of relief now that that phase of the process is done!
Woo Hoo! Congratulations Kerry! That is great news. I hope that you have a bit of time to catch your breath now.
Congrats! It's very exciting!
Yeeha! First half done! Getting excited for the new book! Congratulations!
Wonderful Kerry! I'm so proud of you too! :) Can't wait to see the book!
CONGRATS, Kerry!!!
I knew you could do it! What a great feeling!
Congratulations Kerry, I can't wait to see the finished product.
Congrats! I can't wait to see the fininshed product!
Congratulations Kerry! I can't wait for 2010!
Congratulations! And now I'm super-curious to see the outcome. :)
Congratulations Kerry - can't wait for the release! Don't know if you've thought about this yet, but can I make one BIG suggestion? - please, please don't use grey ink for the book's copy, and especially if the background pages won't be white. Everytime I pick up Wire Style, I find it difficult/annoying to read - the copy is just too light. Something along the line of Stephanie S's book is great as far as layout, color and font size/style. Just my 2cents! Good luck!!
Congrats Kerry! I can hardly wait to see the book and also what you have up your sleeve.
Yay! Congrats! Looking forward to an autographed copy!
CONGRATS Kerry...i'm very excited for you...must be a weight lifted from your shoulders...can't wait to see it...
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