I can hardly believe it is really happening... I mean it is really, truly, absolutely,
I-already-gave-them-the-check-and-signed-the-lease, happening. I am renting a studio... yeah, I said it...
I am renting a studio!
This has been something I have talked about for, um i dunno, like, forever. In fact, two years ago when we moved into this house, I made a dozen phone calls about it. Even had an appointment or two for tours. But, alas, I let the doubts get the best of me, and the appointments were canceled, and the dream was put back into a place of impossibility. Not. This. Time. This time, I made the appointments, and kept them. I filled out the applications, I negotiated the price, and I made it happen. I have been excited in a reserved way for a couple weeks about it. I was thinking something might come up that made it fall through, but OH, last night... I was
kid-on-Christmas-Eve-gonna-overdose-if-I-don't-wake-up-to-a-million-presents-and-ain't-gonna-get-a-wink-of-sleep-because-of-it excited. And today, while driving around town, I kept screaming "I'M SO EXCITED!!" Because, today, today, I got to be in the space, take photos, sign the paperwork, measure stuff... and it is real.
Now... without further ado... I give you a quick look into my new space.
I am feeling so very tender about this. During my sleepless night, my thoughts ran the gamut. Everything from what color the curtains will be to intense anxiety/fear over finally doing this. The tenderness I am feeling comes from wanting to protect this little room. I am scared people will snicker and point and tease my new space. I love it so. It doesn't look like much now, but there is a laundry list of things that the super will be doing to it before I move into #307 in early January. The ceiling will be painted black, as well as the window frames, the walls off white, and the hardwood floors will get a coating of industrial gray. These are standard colors and anything different I would need to do. I am loving the idea of leaving it industrial and making it *me* with pops of color, the accessories, and furniture. We talked about electrical outlet placement, and there is to be a sink put in. I am going to scour our local craigslist for a mini fridge and a microwave. Oh, and I want to check out the local architectural salvage shop for some base cabinets to make the kitchenette. The doors need some care and I'll be painting those myself once they are repaired. I can't wait to hang my banner on the door too!! And that pole in the middle of the room... I need to get myself
four of these beauties. Wouldn't they be perfect? Hmmm, I wonder if Santa reads my blog? OR, better yet, maybe I could make glass ones... though I don't think soft glass is strong enough to hang coats on...
But I digress.
I truly can not express just how much this room means to me... on so many levels. Being with Ron since I was 16 means that I have never had anything that was mine. Just my own. I never bought a car without someone, or had an apartment, or went away to college, or or or... This though, this is mine. And maybe it is selfish of me to want something of my own? Part of me thinks so, but the smarter part knows that I love my husband, and my kids, and my home, and something that is just for me isn't a bad thing. No doubt, they will spend many an hour in this place too.
From a business stand point, this place is going to make so much more possible for me. I will be keeping regular hours at the studio (planning to arrive by 9am and leave by 2:30pm at least 3 days a week), and now... drum roll, please... I can teach lampworking!! Not to mention getting to interact with humans on a regular basis again and being in such a vibrant living breathing place. I start grinning just thinking about it.
I hope you'll stay with me here as I share the journey to getting the place ready, the feelings I have along the way, the things I create in this space, and what new adventures will be had. I know I can't wait...
I thought y'all might enjoy a few links about the new studio space!!
The Hungerford Urban Artists - I can't wait to sign up to be called one of these and get the official sticker on my studio door. And here is a link to an article about one of the building events:
ART - Hidden Hungerford
First Fridays Rochester - I plan to take part in this monthly event and my goal is to be ready by the February First Friday.