I have been keeping secrets... you know this and I know this. I have even said in several posts that secret things are afoot. I have been waiting for just the right time to tell you about what I have been keeping to myself.
(and for those of you what don't know me well, I will tell you straight up, I.Am.Not.Preggers and have no plans to become so ever again, so that isn't the secret... I'm just saying because I know that's what you were thinking...)
I nearly told you in April when the seed of what was in my mind started to take life in the real world. I decided to wait. I almost told you in again in August when the seedling was transplanted from my tiny world out into a much larger one. But, I decided to wait. I came oh-so-very close to telling you just a few weeks ago in December too when that little seed of a thought went from transplanted seedling to leaf bearing blossom. But, I decided to wait.
Why have I waited? Oh how I could psycho-analyze the choice. I could, and I have. Mostly it is fear that has held me back. This secret has me taking risks, and leaps of faith that will no doubt having me landing outside my comfort zone. Fear leads to self doubt, self doubt leads to insecurity, and for me, insecurity leads to avoidance. If I stay with the gardening and seedling analogy, you could say it will have me sprouting outside my normal, delightfully safe, well-tended garden bed. So I am much like that last little wisp that clings to the puffy dandelion head when you blow on it to make a wish.. The list of fears that have held me back so far are too many to go into detail, but I am strong and will face them head on. I have fought the weeds of fear before and I am good at getting to their roots and plucking them.
(Goodness I picked a good analogy to roll with.) Naturally, some fear weeds are more stubborn than others and for those, I have my loving family and friends to help me with. And thankfully, my friends love rubber boots just as much as I do and they aren't afraid to get a bit of dirt under their nails.
Oh alright... it is time.
Why now? Well, because in that photo above, I finally started it, so it is time.
I am writing a second book!
Could you already guess that? You see... in April, I started creating the projects. In August, I wrote the proposal and sent it into the hands of my publisher. In September, I was challenged to push past the initial concept and dig a bit deeper into the possibilities. In December, I signed the contract. And today...
today... I started putting the words on the page. My first deadline for half the book and half the projects in March 1st and the complete manuscript is due July 1st. The expected release date is Spring 2012.
And, my favorite part... the title...
Rustic Wrappings: Merging Metal, Wire, & Art Glass.
Through the pages of this new book we will explore together how to create timeless designs that are vintage in feel while still being fresh. Think western sunsets, beach side cottages, romantic promenades, ruffles on petticoats, and wearing your heart on your sleeve. Color will still be a strong element but we'll use the softer, subtler, and gentler side of color to express these things. As always, my passion is for glass, so the projects will feature lampwork beads and OH what a crew of artists I have assembled to help me along the way. I can't wait to introduce you to each and every one... but all in due time. The place where I was pushed to dig deeper into the possibilities is in two areas that are so incredibly awesome, I can't reveal them yet. But let's just say I will be showing you how to add a whole new "layer" to your color palettes, and the second area is most definitely going to have me teaching again nationally in 2012 (and teaching technique rather than project based classes which is something I am so so excited about).
It is going to be a wild couple of months as I juggle not only this deadline but several others as well. Exciting times are ahead not only with this project, but others too. You are going to see a written piece from me soon in one of my favorite magazines of all time. Wire Style 2 will be hitting shelves soon too. I am contributing on a beading friend's book project. The studio has me busy as can be with my first First Friday in just a couple of weeks. There are other details too that if I start to think on them and list them, I will get overwhelmed and want to numb myself to the anxiety of it all. So let's just put those other things off until we need to handle them. Plus, I will be turning 33 in no time at all and the odd number just isn't sitting well with me. I would much rather skip 33 and say I am 34 two years in a row. But, I digress.
I am so so excited and I can't wait to share this journey with you.