My train of thought... (while browsing blogs)...
Oh, that is a cool looking book...
those beads are so my kinda beads...
ooooh... she has a blog... click click...
*sigh*, I love bright colors...
huh... I wonder if I could make glass beads that were spiky like that?
yeah, but then what would I do with them? I wouldn't want to string them like that.
polka dots and stripes are so cool...
I wonder how hard it is to make ceramic beads... I should learn and mix 'em with glass beads...
like I have the time to do that...
Days later... (while not browsing blogs)...
if I made those spiky beads, I could make them so some stuck up and some stuck down and some were dangles...
where the heck is my sketchbook?
oh yeah, I think I packed it...
where is the kids' scrap paper...
A few more days later... (Friday to be exact)...
oh crap... I am outta O2... crap crap crap (okay so maybe I was thinking a different word)...
alright, I will make a couple beads and see how long it lasts...
3 Beads later...
I can't work like this...
I will let these soak and see how they turn out...
I don't think I like these anyway...
The next morning...
ooooohhh... I do like these...
I should etch that copper green...
Okay, here is the plan...
I will get Jacob's hair cut...
get Lauren her prize at Target (she finished her antibiotics so she gets a prize from the pharmacy)...
then I can get a refill on the O2...
met Ron at the new house, finish painting...
I can make beads later...
I should make sure the welding store is open today...
(looking at their website) good, 8am-Noon...
Around 11am that same day...
why don't they put that on their website?!?!
On Sunday... (while sitting at my desk)...
ugh, I wanna be making beads...
stupid summer hours...
hey... where are those icicle silver thingys?
oh now those would be cool next to these... I should bend them...
I think I need a dozen beads...
plus fillers...
I could make discs for fillers...
they would be to wide, I need flat things...
ugh, I wanna be making beads...
heck with it...
I will hook the tank back up and see if I have any more gas... (fyi- my O2 tank regulator reads empty when I don't have enough gas to maintain at least 200lbs of pressure, but I can still torch for about another 2 hours on that before it is empty empty)
Later when the tank was reattached and I was torching...
I shouldn't just make these spiky...
what if I squeeze these dots...
oh I like that...
okay, I need to make 12 beads, that will be 11 in the front and one for a toggle...
has to be 11 in the front, odd number means that there is a focal bead in the front...
if I am gonna make rounded circle ones than there has to be 3 to balance the pattern...
but how many spaces are there between those?
I hate spacing...
I will just make a bunch of tiny rounds...
oh and fillers... I need fillers...
I could make headpin beads...
yeah, weird ones...
wow this O2 is lasting longer then I thought (it lasted for an hour and a half!)...
Later that afternoon while grilling on the deck...
hey, the rose bush bloomed!! I didn't notice it...
where is my Talisman Bracelet?
when I mix the silver icicles in with the beads it looks like a funky talisman...
why talisMAN?
it should be a Talis-WO-man...
About 8 hours after torching...
oh these are so COOL!!
(dropped one)
dang it... there goes the toggle...
I need to make sure I make these thicker around the bead hole...
then again, it did just hit concrete...
okay... clean these... etch some... eat dinner... then string them...
After dinner and an hour of stringing...

OMG! What a show-stopper!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I had as much fun reading the creative process as looking at the outcome. :)
That is stunning!
WOW!!! What a necklace!
Great commentary-it really makes you see this necklace has a life of it's own!
WOOOO-OH....that is one fabulous necklace! I was worth having an empty tank...spectacular Kerry!
Thank everyone!!
Carlene... Yes, every piece has a train of thought. Well, almost every piece, some just make themselves :) I love sharing how things come about!!
Wow......absolutely stunning, I love it!!!
I was laughing to myself as I was reading your commentary......you need to write a book, perhaps "The Confessions of a Beadmaker" lol......
LOVE the necklace! LOVE LOVE LOVE the "train-of-thought" commentary! I think my co-workers thought I was looney sitting in my office laughing out-loud! Your just too cute Kerry! You made my Monday! Thanks!
Leslie G.
Totally awesome.
THe commentary is hilarious.
Love the necklace.
THAT IS TOTALLY COOL! I love how you show it on so we can see how it looks. Otherwise I would not think it would be comfortable. GREAT WORK!!!
Kerry! That is completely amazing!! I am having a serious case of "I wish I'd thought of that" envy... ;)
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