Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mixing It Up

A quick shot of the bordum that insued while waiting for Dad to get home from his presentation last night... yeah... can you guess what happened next? Let's just say it involved a frozen pack of french cut green beans.

How do you like the look of the blog? I spent HOURS on it yesterday!! I know it looks a little 'busy' this way, but I really wanted a new look. And apart from making the background completely black, lol... I was at a loss for what to do. Leave a comment if you totally hate it and if the concensis it to change it back... I will.

Hmmm... other then the blog change, the two necklace on Monday, and the writing I did Tuesday, it hasn't been a very productive week. Okay, I guess when I put it like that, I sounds productive. But I don't feel productive. I would be working on beads... but... (can you guess what is coming?... weather report)... if is FIVE degrees out and I have a foot of snow outside!! Nope, no snow day for the kids, crazy isn't it?

Oh, I know... I did doodle a new necklace design yesterday...


Anonymous said...

Was the frozen pack of green beans for 1 or 2? I really love the new look. I never thought it needed changing but after you did I thought "WOW! Love it"! Good thinking! But, I would take it anyway you leave it! Hope the "green bean twins" are better!

Leslie G.

Lori said...

New layout it nice. It give you a better way to show the magazines you have been in.
I say keep it the new way
I recieved my new bracelet yesterday, too cool!

Kerry said...

LOL, Leslie, it was Lauren. She ended up sliding and hurting her back. We used green beans as ice.

Thanks for the feedback ladies! The new look is growing one me. I think I like it.

Anonymous said...

I love it!