I am in the throws of a MAJOR painting crisis (photos of that tomorrow) at the new house. I can't even tell you what a tissy is has "Carrie" in. But since we haven't officially moved to the new house with our evenings and mornings at the old house, I am forced to slow down and just 'be' at the old house.
I know we have a near decade of memories here, but I find there isn't much about being here that I will miss. Maybe it is the fact that I moved every year or so as a kid, so I don't easily form attachments to homes. But something happened this morning. Ron asked me to help him load a couple things in his truck before leaving for work. I walked through the yard to get to the garden bench and wheel barrow. When rounding a corner of the house to the side yard, my breath was taken away... my favorite hydranga bush is in full bloom. Next to it, the lace hydranga is budding too. As I walked around more, I realized I have missed so many of my flowers... the daisies are spent and the purple flower my Mom brought me from Cape Cod has gone to seed (just to name a few). I looked closer and noticed the purple cone flower going bonkers and the gooseneck loose strife (love saying that name) has a bazillon heads on it.
I love my gardens... I have beautiful gardens... and no thanks to me, apart from weeding every few weeks, they really grow themselves. I am going to miss them...

At least the things I will miss are things that I can take a piece of with me. And what an adventure and pleasure it will be to get to design and plant all new gardens!!
Kerry...your plants are beautiful...might I suggest that you take some sections of your plants to start your new gardens... especially those that have special meaning...that way you take your memories with you. It must be such an exciting and crazy time getting ready for the move. Enjoy the moments...
Beautiful Flowers! And such fun to take some to your New-House garden!
Looking forward to more pics of the new place.
Your garden is gorgeous! I used to have a beautiful garden in SC, but since I've moved to CA, I don't really have time. And we need to do some major tilling and rock-removing and grass planting. So for now I just have potted plants and a few tomatoe plants. It's amazing how good flowers in bloom make you feel.
You'll have so much fun starting a new garden!!
And I want to see this painting catastrophe!?!?
If I ever move and the new place has a yard, I will take my plantings with me. I'll just make that part of the sales agreement.
Thanks ladies!
Deedee... I thought ahead last year in hopes of moving. I buried several branches of each hydranga and let it root. I have about 5 "babies" now that I will be bringing to the new house. Most of the others have gotten so big, I can divide them with out anyone ever knowing.
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