Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Cable Line Catastrophe

Man what a quiet couple of days it has been. Literally... cause nothing in our house has worked!! Early yesterday the cable guy was working on the box near our house. At some point he sliced the cable line in two without realizing it. So we have had no digital phone and no internet access. It just goes to show me how cyber dependant I am... I felt so deprived and like I was being punished!! But thankfully after a little more then 24 hours, it is all back up and running. I'll I am waiting on now is my replacement video cable for my digital camera. Once I have that, it'll be back to posting as usual with lots of pics.

I have used my down time (down in itallics cause it is just like the system going down in an office, lol) well. I have been making beads... YOO HOO!! I am working on some special orders and some test beads too. This will be my last week for experimentation before I start to really bunker down and prepare for my first art show of the summer. I have already reworked a bracelet and started another one. Lots to make!!

I have a post on Watch Me Create today. It is all about my number one asked question/comment. Go check it out!! And while you are over on pop into the blog of my good friend Lindsey (hope you don't mind me sharing the link Lindsey). She is one of the most enviromentally conscience people I know. Living "green" is really important to her. She has some interesting views on consumerism that can really get you thinking. She loves getting comments too, so don't be shy about letting her know what you think.

Ron is out golfing so I am cooking pizza!! I am hoping to have that camera cable really soon, so look for more pics in the next few days!! In the meantime, I am gonna bead my brains out.

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