Friday, February 03, 2006

I Knew IT!

I knew if I tried to work at the torch without a plan it would be a bad bead day! I just knew it, and I was right. LOL! In about 2 hours I made 5 beads... that's terrible! Oh well, inspiration will strike and it'll be okay for the next time out. I just had an idea of a white & clear set. ALL WHITE & CLEAR! Hmmmm.... it could be cool. I will be working this weekend on finishing the last of the photos I need for my tutorial. And of course there is that football game on Sunday to watch... I am not really a football fan, but I like the commercials. Then Grey's Anatomy! I had a dream about Dr McDreamy trying to potty train an elephant last week! Can you tell I love that show!?!

Time to get this day going... I will be taking Lauren to playground, going to the bank & post office... I need to give my first draft of the tutorial to a friend to review. Lots to do on this bleak rainy day.

I don't know how many of you know this but I love photography! SO I have decided to post some of my photos here for days when I don't have jewelry to share. Hope you like then and feel free to respond about them.


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