~*Sigh*~ it's done. I got home from Clothesline a couple hours ago and it was such a relief. I had another incredible day. I met so many wonderful people, and had so many more pieces sell. It was just great, and by far, my best show
ever. Then, I arrived home to a wonderful dinner made by Ron with a great bottle of wine icey cold. I couldn't ask for a more perfect ending to my weekend.
I had such a good day, that I made a bold move (bold for me anyway) and purchased my first true
work of art. The photos tonight are of the piece I purchased. It is by an artist named Mark Groaning (he has a studio at
Artisan Works click it to check it out) and his pieces are like nothing I have ever seen. He works in many different mediums (including lampwork occasionally) but at Clothesline he features his painted windows. These are salvaged windows that are reverse painted (meaning he paints the back of the glass not on the front, very hard to do) with a paint mixture that he designed. And he paints the frames as well. The photos are just appaulling compared the beauty of this piece. It is about 18inches wide and close to 3 feet tall. There is so much depth to the colors and detail to the image. The texture is just amazing. I spied this piece yesterday called "Leaning Bouquet" and I loved it. Then I saw it again this morning, still thinking it was too expensive (though worth every penny). At about 4:30 this afternoon, I went to his booth again and it was still there! I said "I want it, I am gonna get it." (To hell with my husband's moans about the cost.) When I took it back to my booth and stared at it, I actually started to cry. It moved me to tears. I have never bought myself a
real work of art like this.

It is actually made to hang with the light shinning through it, again this photo is aweful! I wish you all could see just how spectacular the colors are! A few weeks ago, I mentioned to Ron an idea my Mom had for redoing the floor plan of your house. She had suggested moving our master bedroom to the finished family room in our downstairs/basement (she's weird, but it was a good idea, hard to explain). Anyway, Ron hated the idea, but said what he would really like to do is make the whole family room into my studio. And I think in the coming weeks, we are going to do it! In the center of one wall we have a large double window, and I am going to hang this painting in that window and my main jewelry making desk will be right under it. I am so so so excited about this! I will share photos all through out the project. I will have more desk space, shelving, an area to organize shipping things, and maybe (just maybe) we are talking about moving my torch inside.

This last photo is of the view of the museum I had all weekend. Isn't it awesome! As far as weather goes, we really really lucked out. Saturday we had on quick shower that lasted about 10 minutes and then it was just menacing and threatening the rest of the day. Today was spectacular! It was a little cold but not unbareable. My sister and I kept breaking out in goose bumps when the breeze would blow. By noon the sun was out (though it stayed cool) and people were out in hords. I love the crowds at this show. This show has a cover charge so I think it ends up drawing a much more appreciative crowd. They know they are looking at ART! And not just your everyday street show crafts.
I will need to take a couple days off to recoup. Tomorrow while Lauren is at school, I will unload the van and access what little inventory I have left. But really, now that Lauren is in school, I have 6 hours every week I can devote to bead making. Which is actually a lot more then you would think. It is more then I usually have quiet and to my work. (Except right before a show when I have help from my Mom, THANKS MOM!) I am excited! I am going to start to try my hand at adding enamels to my beads. HEY, maybe I could do a Mark Groaning "Leaning Bouquet" inspired set with enamels.... So hopefully, you'll be seeing new beads soon.
Lastly, I just want to say thank you so much to all of you who have been sending me such uplifting and supportive emails. You all are amazing and so good to me. Thank you so much for caring so much about me. I love y'all right back!