Saturday, October 07, 2006


I wasn't around much at all yesterday. My phone rang at 8:00 in the morning and my day just stopped. My sister called saying she had been a car accident. SHE IS ALRIGHT! Thank heavens. But as soon as I could get Lauren to school I went to take her to the doctors. The accident happened just about 200 yards from her house. She lives in the city and you know how people park in the city. They line up down one side of the road or the other. Well going down the street a girl pulled right out of her driveway (hidden between two parked cars) into Bonnie. She wasn't going more the 30mph so her airbags didn't go off. But she hit her head really hard. She has a GIANT goose egg. She was rather dazed and confused. The police officer asked if she needed an ambulance but Bonnie just wanted to go home. Our doctor got her in right away, but told her anytime you hit your head go to the emergancy room. Bonnie was sent for a CT & x-rays of her knees. One knee was pretty swollen from hitting the underside of the dash board. All the tests looked fine and it was okay to take her back home. I talked to her this morning and she is fine, just really sore. That and pissed about her beautiful new car. She has a 2006 Dodge Stratuss RT, all shiny and silver with a caved in front end. The police said it was the other girl's fault so fortunately Bonnie won't be footing the bill for the repairs and doctors bills. I am just relieved my little sister is okay. Something very very funny that happened yesterday durning all this... not once but TWICE I was called Bonnie's "MOM". Our family practicianer thought she was my daughter and the radiologist doing the CT gave me a clip board and said "here Mom you fill these out." LOL! I am only 3 years older then her! Either she looks 8 years old or I look 40, now which is it? LOL!

Anyway, on the bead front. This next week is going to be rough one for making beads. Ron has a big project due, the kids are off on Monday and I have to go to the dentist on Wednesday. But hopefully I can sneak some in here and there. I will report back with photos of anything I am able to get done!

Don't for get "An Artist's Ghost" auction ends tonight!!! GO BID!!! YOO HOO!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Bonnie. What an awful thing to have happen. I'm so glad to hear she will be fine. Please don't worry about my bead request, by the way! You have so much going on right now. Please tell Bonnie we are all thinking of her and that we hope she gets a lot of rest and TLC.

Anonymous said...

Kerry glad to hear Bonnie is ok.
I think athey got confused because you were there for Bonnie. I think you two look like sisters.
I agree don't worry about the beads. Thanks for the surprise you gave us earlier this week.

Kerry said...

Thanks for the concern everyone! Bonnie is feeling fine and almost 100%. I let her know your well wishes and she said that is so sweet! I told her I have the best "e-friends" :)