***sigh*** what a nice weekend we had!
Ron and I had a wonderful trip to
Bristol Harbour this weekend. The weather was if-y most of the day Saturday but the evening cleared up beautifully and today was GORGEOUS! We dropped the kids off early on Saturday. And arrived around noon. The resort is on Canandaguia Lake and the view was spectacular. There is such ambience there. The rooms were so nice, all woodsy and rustic. There was a gas fireplace and a complimentary bottle of wine. The boys had fun golfing in the afternoon while Julie and I went to all the little shops in the town. One shop we really enjoyed was
Wick-edly Sent the make all their own lotions, soaps and candles. I got a bottle of Grapefruit & Mimosa body lotion. It smells heavenly. We all had a wonderful dinner. And stayed up late chatting, just enjoying the quiet kidless environment.
Only two bad parts of the trip... first our room got really really hot, and we couldn't figure out how to get the air or fan to turn on. So we didn't really sleep well. Second bummer... I have a terrible cold! Aweful, can't breathe out of one side kinda cold. It was terrible, half way through dinner I had Ron run back to our room and get me some sudafed because I couldn't breathe and chew my Filet Mingon at the same time, LOL! Up until that point I had been really good about keeping myself well medicated, and I really didn't feel bad, I was just not 100%.
We had a wonderful breakfast, one of the best belgin waffles I have ever had. We went to Naples NY, and visited a small craft fair. I got a little sunburn but it feels good to have some sun finally. We had a nice sceenic ride home then went and picked up the kids. MAN OH MAN are they in a mood, they have been bouncing off the walls since they got home. The weekend really caught up with me this afternoon. I was so tired. I tried to make beads but just felt crappy. But I have all the rods pulled, all the mandrels prepped... so I will be making loads tomorrow. I just need to get a good night sleep and I will be ready to go in the morning. I have lots of ideas! LOTS! I think this week's theme will be "Visiting Grape Country"... I am thinking beads will be ready for Tuesday, but hey, you never know, if I make beads early they will finish in the kiln by 3 or 4 and I can put them up in the evening, we'll see.
Our friends Pat & Julie took a wonderful photo of me and Ron with the lake in the background. Pat is going to email it to me, as soon as I have it, I will share it here. I am off to an early bed time. Lots see if I can't get the right side of my nose to get unstuffed first, lol!