Friday, August 04, 2006

Bad Bead Day

I have said this before... every once in a while a day is just a bad bead day. On a bad bead day, no matter what I do, I can't get the glass to do what I want it to do! Grrrr.... today is one of those days. I tried to get in a zone this morning... no luck. Then Ron spent the whole afternoon building my new desk... tried again after dinner... three crap beads later, I knew... no new beads.

I had planned to make beads last night but around 8:00 I found my eyes barely able to stay open. I hadn't realized how tired the events of the day had made me so I said to myself, I have all day Friday to make beads. And I went to bead early. Humh... I should pushed through the sleepiness and fired on. Oh well.

Anyway, did you catch what I said a few lines ago? Ron spent this afternoon building my new desk. It has gotten too dark in the garage to take pictures now but I promise I'll show you tomorrow. It is perfect. Just the right size for vice and my kiln. Plus a new handy dandy rod holder.

I am going to cut this short, Ron just popped open a bottle of wine and headed out to the deck... I want to go join in for a glass!

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