Friday, March 24, 2006


Hey all... thanks to those of you that sent me messages about the links for my new bracelet. I will share the finished bracelet when it's ready. I finally got some quality torch time in yesterday. But, the colors didn't turn out how I wanted so I will be making things out of these beads myself, rather then putting them on Ebay. Hopefully, I will have time this weekend to get some good Ebay sets together for you. So stay tuned for that.

Andrew finally went back to school today. Thank goodness. He was driving me nuts! LOL! I hate when the kids are home sick... as soon as the motrin starts working they are bored out of their minds and whinning like crazy. I can't get a thing done! Keep your fingers crossed for me that Lauren stays healthy... no fever for her, please!

The boys should be off the bus any minute and we are off to visit with my Mom & Dad. Not very far just about 15 mins away. But the boys love to play in the woods befind their house. Gotta run some energy outta them monsters!

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